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Through teamwork and collaboration the staff of Derfelt Elementary will inspire students to learn and succeed.

Derfelt Dolphins,
We hope you are having an amazing summer :)
Make lots of great memories and enjoy quality time with your friends and family!
And always remember:
"You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a book!”
– Dr. Seuss
Read lots, stay safe, continue with your Dolphin mindset, be a CHAMP and have fun!
We are excited to see you back at school on Monday, August 7, 2023
2023-2024 School Times
8:40am Students Allowed on Campus
8:50 am - 3:11 pm School Day (grades K-5)
9:00am Tardy Bell
3:11pm Dismissal
Our Office will
be open
all summer
Derfelt Suggested
Supply List

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