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Through teamwork and collaboration the staff of Derfelt Elementary will inspire students to learn and succeed.

Dr. Herbert Derfelt
Dr. Herbert Derfelt began teaching in 1925 in a one-room school house in Kansas. He taught for many years, and was elected to County Superintendent in 1941. During his career, he taught at numerous colleges, including Kansas, University of Arkansas, Colorado and Nevada (Reno). He moved to Las Vegas in 1956 and joined the University of Nevada. Dr. Derfelt started the practice teaching program and also started the first master's degree program for teachers at UNLV. He became Professor Emeritus after retiring from the University in 1972. In his lifetime Dr. Herbert Derfelt influenced, instructed and inspired many. On behalf of the family, friends, and fellow educators, it is an honor to have our school named as a tribute to this man.
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