Through teamwork and collaboration the staff of Derfelt Elementary will inspire students to learn and succeed.
Testing Resources and Tips
Testing 22-23 Parent Letter

MAP Growth
Assessment Resources

The MAP assessment is designed to measure a student’s achievement and growth over time in reading and mathematics. When used in combination with other formative assessments, as part of a balanced assessment system, MAP provides educators with valuable data to use for making informed instructional decisions. MAP is required for all students in Grades Kindergarten-10 (K-10).
Derfelt Families,
Three times a year (Fall, Winter & Speing) Kindergarten -5th grade students will take the computerized tests called Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). We give students MAP tests to determine your child’s instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year. Additionally, the tests measure growth from year to year in the areas of reading and math.
MAP tests are unique in that they adapt to the appropriate level of learning for your child. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. With MAP tests, we can administer shorter tests and use less class time, while still receiving detailed, accurate information about your child’s growth. Over the next few weeks, your child will spend a total of approximately 2 hours completing these tests.
Resources are provided below ....
Prior to testing, please talk with your child about doing his or her best. You know your child better than anyone. Emphasize the importance of the test, but remember to build confidence, not anxiety. By working together, we can make your child’s test experience positive and successful. Here are some suggestions that you can do to help your child succeed:
*Make sure your child gets a good night’s rest. *Have your child eat a healthy breakfast.
*Make sure your child runs the device readiness test (see above). *Encourage your child to do their best.
What is MAP Videos
#1 - watch the videos
#2 - click on the
Device Readiness Check
(to make sure your child's device is up to date and ready for testing)
Tip: shutting down your device every night will help to keep your device up to date
Other resources
Practice Resources
intro videos, practice test, tools practice, etc.
Family Toolkit: to help families better understand the MAP assessment and results.
Assessment Resources
Practice, practice, practice...
SBAC Practice Questions
choose the summative or science one
CRT Guide for Families 3-8 (English): Printable Brochure / Infographic
CRT Guide for Families 3-8 (Spanish): Printable Brochure / Infographic
CRT Family Guide to Individual Student Reports
CRT Family Guide to Individual Student Reports (Spanish)
HS Assessments for Families Brochure (intended to be printed and folded)
Folleto de Evaluaciones de Secundaria para Familias (destinado para ser impreso y doblado)
Video: CRT for Families (English)
Video: CRT for Families (Spanish)
Video: HS Assessments for Families (English)
Video: HS Assessments for Families (Spanish)
Video: Comprendiendo las Pruebas de Objetivos Específicos
Video: Understanding Student Score Reports
Video: Comprendiendo los Reportes de Puntaje

SBAC Online Tools Training
choose the Summative one
Student Pledge
CHAMP Testing Tips