Through teamwork and collaboration the staff of Derfelt Elementary will inspire students to learn and succeed.

October 17-November 4
Video - How much can you read in one year?
It's time for the Derfelt Elementary School Read-a-thon!
Read-a-thon promises to be a fun, exciting journey that starts Monday October 17, 2022. We will get your children excited about reading.
We know you have limited time but want the best education for your child. That’s why we hope everyone will activate their reader's account as soon as possible. This is where you can record and view your reader's progress.
We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/NIavgL/1 and following the simple instructions.
Past Posts:
Derfelt Elementary School has decided to hold a Read-a-thon this year!
Read-a-thons actually get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity
to encourage your child to read even more.
Our Read-a-thon starts Monday October 17, 2022.
About one week before our Read-a-thon starts we will send home instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress.
We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/NIavgL/1 and following the simple instructions.
We've chosen Read-a-thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read and helps in the development of stronger reading skills.
We hope EVERYONE participates.
Thanks so much,
Derfelt Elementary School